Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Blame The Pope

I don't understand the way our crazy society thinks. Oliphant's political cartoon today casts blame at the Pope for the sourge of AIDS. Somehow because the new pope keeps the same moral beliefs that Popes have carried for 2000 years (or at least for 1600 years if you aren't catholic) AIDS becomes his fault. Nobody gets AIDS because of the Catholic Church's teachings.

If a person isn't wearing a condom when having unsafe sex it is not because they are strictly following the church's teaching. If they were strictly following the Pope's beliefs they wouldn't be having unsafe sex.

It is not that the teaching of the church has changed. It is that the church refuses to relax its morals because of the immorality in the world.

Since the election of Pope Benedict all we have heard is how his beliefs are so dangerous. He is unwilling to change church doctrine to meet the changing currents of modern society. Paul, the New Testament apostle, says that it is children that are tossed around by every shift in doctrine. (Ephesians 4:14) So Pope Benedict is a dangerous man because he is just that, a man of conviction, not a spiritual child.

PS. for any of you who might wonder. I am not Catholic.