Sunday, February 24, 2008

Computer Crash Causes Delays

Last time I was ready to post a blog my computer crashed. I lost everything on the hard drive when I had to re-format. It was the night of the super bowl. I was watching the game and the commercials. I planned to give a report and a review of the best commercials. I had them all rated. But alas, crash went the computer and I have struggled to get back on line.

Just a note, I lost all my emails prior to Feb 3 so if I owe you a response, sorry, you need to rewrite me.

My favorite commercial was the one with Shaq riding a horse as a jockey. Poor horse. I expected there to be a disclaimer, “No animals were injured filming this commercial.” The horse under Shaq must have been pretty strong. I don’t remember what the commercial was for. But it was funny.

Commercials two and three were the E trade entries starring the talking baby. If you haven’t seen any of these commercials I recommend a quick trip to and see them for yourself.

Jen and I continue to plan and prepare to pick up the Appalachian Trail where we left it last May. We hope to get close to three months of hiking this summer. I am working with a trainer to get the muscles around my knee in shape to make the journey. We are taking a test hike in March. We are going to hike for a week in the Big Bend National Park in Texas. That should give us a good idea if the AT is even possible.

One last comment in the potpourri of thoughts tonight. I was watching a movie the other night. Some FBI agents were sitting around a room discussing the case at hand when one of them accused the other of “misremembering” events. I just noticed that my spell checker accepts it as a real word too. Maybe Roger Clemens isn’t quite as off base as everyone makes out.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Getting Ready

For those of you who think we are loony for hiking on the Appalachian Trail when we could be sitting in a rocking chair or a hot tub, get ready to send us to the loony bin. We are getting ready to return to the trail. Jen is working extra shifts in return for May, June, and July off. Our plan is to use those three months to try for another 1000 miles or so.

On my part, I have employed Mitch the Masochist to help me get my knee in shape. Twice a week I meet him at the gym and he tortures me for an hour. It is a lot like my athletic coaches used to do, except when we are done we don't get to shoot baskets or hit baseballs.

We have made a change to our water system. We are going to use a Ultraviolet Light Pen to sterilize our drinking water. It weighs a little more that 8 oz total compared to the pump and filter we carried last year. I have bought a new pack that weighs 3 pounds less than my old one. We have learned how to get by with less clothes, and we will be walking in spring and summer instead of winter so we should be lighter on clothes too.

I have a new ipod that weighs almost a full pound less than my old one. One piece of weight I have added though is a mini computer so we can maintain better communication and post our pictures and journals ourselves. It is a small computer that weighs only 2 pounds and is made for rough travel. It is an EeePC, look it up on the internet. I am using it to write this blog right now.

We are planning to go back to the place we left the trail the first of May and continue the hike until the end of July. That isn't enough time to make it to Maine, so we won't feel like we have to hurry. Maybe that combination, less weight, less time pressure, and better knee conditioning will allow us to hike for three months. I certainly hope so, and Jen is counting on it.