Plan A= 2007 through hike, Georgia to Maine in 7 months. NOT.
Plan B=2008 section hike from Virginia to New York
2009 section hike from New York to Maine. NOT
Plan C=2008 slack pack or day hike as much of the remaining sections as you want to hike. Leave your camping gear in the truck and carry less than 15 pounds.
Maybe then, the weak knee will be able to handle the trail. I have to admit that three doctors and two physical therapists were right. My knee structure will not allow me to carry 40 pounds up hill and down for 2000 miles. After 8 days and 79 miles on the trail it is painfully obvious that the knee will not handle the weight. So here in Pearisburg, Virgina we are calling plan B off. Now we will be day hikers, still trying to hike the trail but hiking from road to road and eating and camping out of the truck.
The decision to make now is if traveling this way is worth passing every white slash which will still take this summer and next to complete or if we should just cherry pick the sweet parts of the trail to day hike and end the hike in Maine in July.
Jen really wants to wear the T-shirt that says, I am a 2000 miler, so we will probably try to keep going north, one section at a time. (tell me, 2007 thru hikers, did anyone get that T-shirt?)
We have some friends from Georgia coming to join us in our trek now. We will have two cars and can drive one ahead and the other to the trail head, and just leap frog them up the trail. It is not the way we would have preferred. But if we are going to get any more of it done, this will have to be the way.