Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Government; swift, efficient, and responsive. Not!

Fishermen in Colorado discovered a massive fish die-off when they arrived at the ole fishing hole on Friday morning. Around the shores of the pond were over 300 dead trout, kokanee salmon and carp. It wasn’t a toxic spill from a mining operation, a run-off of fertilizer from neighboring agricultural activities, or poison from a terrorist operation. No! Rather it was another example of government-in-charge.

The lake was built by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and mostly, but not completely, turned over to the National Forest service to oversee the lake shores and any dry portions of the lake bottom. The level of the lake fluctuates due to it’s main purpose, irrigation. The irrigation water rights are managed by the Montezuma Water district a third government entity involved. The fish are regulated by the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife.

Over two years ago a local fisherman reported to reservoir officials that the pipe that fed fresh water to the ponds was above the level of the river that was the source of the fresh water. They toured the ponds and discovered that indeed the fisherman was correct, there was a problem. No fresh water was entering the ponds.

For two years they have disputed who is responsible for the pipe. The Bureau of Reclamation that designed and built the lake or The National Forest who is responsible to oversee the lake. It seems the pipe is not listed in documents anywhere. So this winter, when ice overtook the pond, as it does every winter, there was not enough oxygen below the ice to sustain the fish. This week when the ice melted, the fish floated to the top, belly-up. Everyone who ever owned a goldfish knows what that means.

If a rancher, farmer, or private business enterprise had been responsible for such wanton destruction of government property they would have been arrested, tried and sent to prison. When they got out, they would have been sent back again because a federal judicial bureaucrat might think they got off too easy. At least that is what happened to the Oregon ranchers who, while burning pasture, a time accepted method of improving grass growth, accidently allowed their fire to encroach on federal land.

There is a simple solution to the Colorado problem. Placing boulders in the river to raise the level above the pipes would solve everything. It would take a private owner a whole afternoon to get it done. Maybe it would take a whole day if he had to rent equipment. The government should have been able to do it in two years. They already own the equipment.

That my friend, is what is wrong with big government.  
Information and photo from the Cortez Journal


Monday, March 07, 2016

The Declaration Of The Heavens

Starry Starry Night

Tonight, from the back deck the stars looked like they were reaching down for the earth, they were bright and beautiful. One star, Jen said, I wish we knew their names, was especially interesting. Just above the ponderosa pine it was shining brightly, twinkling even, in the western sky. Just below, (well below from our perspective) I guess you could say to the north and west, there was a ray of light, just a speck really, attached at times to the star we can’t name. It looked like it was blinking, white, red, and green, in no particular order, and no specific tempo. I wondered if it was just my eyes, so I began to explain what I was seeing to Jen and she jumped in and said, before I mentioned colors, it blinks red and green. It was so subtle I really wondered if that was what I was seeing, but her words confirmed it.

As I meditated on the night sky, like I often do, I began to think about space, eternity, life, death, infinity, and all those subjects that are really beyond me. I thought of the words of the Psalmist, “The heavens declare the glory of God.” Well, do they?

Are we, as we are told by some, just a mote of matter, accidently present in a vast universe that somehow or another has developed consciousness, self awareness, and intellect. Are we just the highest level of evolved protoplasm, or are we the apple of a loving Creator’s eye, the creatures to whom He declares His everlasting love? Do the heavens declare the glory of God, or does the psalm declare the creative genius of evolution?

That loving Creator is the force that draws me to be a better person. He is what urges me toward love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Without the desire to know and walk with the creator, these attributes would mean little to me.

Am I saying that I am a better person that the unbeliever. That I am more patient, loving, kind, good, etc.? No! I am saying that they are a better person than me. Because without the desire to fellowship with God, I am not sure I would care too much about others.

This planet is a better place because it has the loving attention of the one who sits in the heavens. When we forget God, we become a less friendly place. I am a better person because of the Love of God.

All this from thinking about a blinking star.

Happy Trails