Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Joining the Holiday vs Christmas debate

     This is quite interesting methinks.   On both sides the heat is up and the thinking is down.  Or maybe I am just dense and don’t even know when I am insulted.  When I was younger and heard the phrase Happy Holidays or Season’s Greetings it didn’t immediately jump to my mind that someone was replacing Christmas.  I thought they were being inclusive of the three major holidays in 5 ½ weeks to end each year.  There are actually 5 holidays if you include the eves.  So if you wanted to wish someone a great 5 ½ weeks you could just abbreviate and say, “Happy Holidays”  That phrase was meant to include Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, and if you were Jewish you could substitute Hanukah  for Christmas if you wanted to, and nobody seemed to mind.

     Christians don’t mind sharing their season.  What they mind is getting kicked out of their own holiday.  The problems began when it became politically correct to avoid the terrible C word.  Whatever you do don’t say Merry Christmas.  You might offend one of the 6% of Americans who carry such a chip on their shoulder.  When a store begins to demand political correctness from its employees they need to be ready to take the heat.  

     There are some great cartoons, (representing both sides in the debate) at http://www.cagle.com/news/PoliticallyCorrectChristmas/main.asp

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